化粧品・健康食品業界専門メディア Beaker media「無料企業登録キャンペーン」実施中



成分番号(JP number): 562779

本品は、2-エチルヘキサン酸とトリメチロールプロパンのトリエステルであり、次の化学式で表される。2-Ethyl-2-[[2-ethylhexanoyloxy]methyl]-1,3-propanediyl di-2-ethylhexanoate
日本の規制情報(Japanese regulation information)
中国の規制情報(Chinese regulation information)
【已使用化妆品原料目录(2021年版)】Maximum Historical Usage in Rinse-off Cosmetics(%): (none), Maximum Historical Usage in Leave-on Cosmetics(%): 26.8
EC No.






医薬部外品原料規格では、「トリ2-エチルヘキサン酸トリメチロールプロパン」英名Trimethylolpropane Tri(2-Ethylhexanoate)、別名トリオクタン酸トリメチロールプロパンで収載され、けん化価:320~340として規定されています(2)。

INCI名は、Trimethylolpropane Triethylhexanoateです。

石油系脂肪酸と石油系アルコールのトリエステルの液体であり、エタノール、シクロペンタ、シロキサン、ジメチコン(10 mm²/s)、オリーブ油、流動パラフィンに溶解します。









(1) 化粧品の成分表示名称リストトリエチルヘキサン酸トリメチロールプロパン  日本化粧品工業連合会

(2) 医薬部外品原料規格 トリ2-エチルヘキサン酸トリメチロールプロパン

(3) KAK TTO Copyright© KOKYU ALCOHOL KOGYO CO., LTD. All rights reserved.

(4) FineNeo-308 (C) 2018 NIPPON FINE CHEMICAL CO., LTD



西村 景子 , 矢上 晶子 , 佐野 晶代 [他] , 古田 加奈子 , 伊佐見 真実子 , 松永 佳世子 Journal of environmental dermatology and cutaneous allergology = / the Japanese Society for Dermatoallergology and Contact Dermatitis 7(2), 78-86, 2013-04-30


富田 博貴 , 杉田 崇 , 村上 博哉 , 江坂 幸宏 , 井上 嘉則 , 手嶋 紀雄 分析化学 69(1.2), 25-30, 2020


Toxicology studies of trimethylolpropane triacrylate (technical grade) (CAS No. 15625-89-5) in F344/N rats, B6C3F1 mice, and genetically modified (FVB Tg.AC hemizygous) mice (dermal studies).

National Toxicology Program.Natl Toxicol Program Genet Modif Model Rep. 2005 Oct;(3):1-195.PMID: 18784763 Free article.

Species and gender differences in the carcinogenic activity of trimethylolpropane triacrylate in rats and mice.

Surh I, Rao DB, Cesta MF, Hébert CD, Mann JF, Cunny H, Kissling GE, Malarkey D, Chhabra RS.Food Chem Toxicol. 2014 Apr;66:254-61. doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2014.01.048. Epub 2014 Feb 3.PMID: 24503412 Free PMC article.

Toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of trimethylolpropane triacrylate (technical grade) (CASRN 15625-89-5) in F344/N rats and B6C3F1/N mice (dermal studies).

National Toxicology Program.Natl Toxicol Program Tech Rep Ser. 2012 Dec;(576):1-144.PMID: 23385646 Free article.

Beauty of lotus is more than skin deep: highly buoyant superhydrophobic films.

Choi Y, Brugarolas T, Kang SM, Park BJ, Kim BS, Lee CS, Lee D.ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2014 May 28;6(10):7009-13. doi: 10.1021/am5015343. Epub 2014 May 13.PMID: 24801001

Aptamer-decorated porous microneedles arrays for extraction and detection of skin interstitial fluid biomarkers.

Yi K, Wang Y, Shi K, Chi J, Lyu J, Zhao Y.Biosens Bioelectron. 2021 Oct 15;190:113404. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2021.113404. Epub 2021 Jun 5.PMID: 34182204

Final report of the safety assessment of methacrylate ester monomers used in nail enhancement products.

Cosmetic Ingredient Review Expert Panel.Int J Toxicol. 2005;24 Suppl 5:53-100. doi: 10.1080/10915810500434209.PMID: 16596769 Review.

Developmental toxicity evaluation of trimethylolpropane caprylate caprate in Sprague-Dawley rats.

Azuka C, Daston GP.Birth Defects Res B Dev Reprod Toxicol. 2004 Dec;71(6):374-9. doi: 10.1002/bdrb.20026.PMID: 15617023

Spectra from 2.5-15 microm of tissue phantom materials, optical clearing agents and ex vivo human skin: implications for depth profiling of human skin.

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Single-Step Fabrication of Computationally Designed Microneedles by Continuous Liquid Interface Production.

Johnson AR, Caudill CL, Tumbleston JR, Bloomquist CJ, Moga KA, Ermoshkin A, Shirvanyants D, Mecham SJ, Luft JC, DeSimone JM.PLoS One. 2016 Sep 8;11(9):e0162518. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0162518. eCollection 2016.PMID: 27607247 Free PMC article.

Curing of UV prints - Assessment of possible toxicological hazard for consumers.

Macherey M, Schuhmacher-Wolz U, Belz H, Delbanco EH, Mohr K, Gude T, Kaiser E.Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2021 Aug;124:104965. doi: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2021.104965. Epub 2021 May 24.PMID: 34038774

Responsive Hydrogel Microcarrier-Integrated Microneedles for Versatile and Controllable Drug Delivery.

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Dermatitis from aziridine hardener in printing ink.

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Topical application of representative multifunctional acrylates produced proliferative and inflammatory lesions in F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice, and squamous cell neoplasms in Tg.AC mice.

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The sensitizing capacity of multifunctional acrylates in the guinea pig.

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Allergic contact dermatitis due to urethane acrylate in ultraviolet cured inks.

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Preparation of thermo-responsive membranes. II.

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Occupational allergic contact dermatitis and contact urticaria caused by polyfunctional aziridine hardener.

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