化粧品・健康食品業界専門メディア Beaker media「無料企業登録キャンペーン」実施中



成分番号(JP number): 557024

日本の規制情報(Japanese regulation information)
中国の規制情報(Chinese regulation information)
【已使用化妆品原料目录(2021年版)】Maximum Historical Usage in Rinse-off Cosmetics(%): (none), Maximum Historical Usage in Leave-on Cosmetics(%): (none)
EC No.








特徴として、 グルコースとハイドロキノンをα結合させた配糖体 メラニン生成を強力に抑制する効果をもつ化粧品原料 世界30カ国以上で販売利用されている が挙げられる。





















(1)K Sugimoto, et al(2007)「アルフア-アルブチンの開発:工業スケールでの製造および美白化粧品原料への応用」Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology(19)(110),235-246.

(2)K Sugimoto, et al(1995)「Effects of α- and β-Arbutin on Activity of Tyrosinases from Mushroom and Mouse Melanoma」Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry(59)(1),143-144

(3)K Sugimoto, et al(2003)「Syntheses of Arbutin-α-glycosides and a Comparison of Their Inhibitory Effects with Those of α-Arbutin and Arbutin on Human Tyrosinase」Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin(51)(7),798-801.

(4)杉本 和久, 他(2005)「ハイドロキノン配糖体のチロシナーゼ阻害効果およびα-アルブチンのメラニン生成抑制効果」Fragrance Journal(33)(5),60-66.

(5)西村 隆久, 他(1995)「ハイドロキノン-α-グルコサイドによるメラニン生成抑制効果」YAKUGAKU ZASSHI(115)(8),626-632.








症例報告 オールインワン化粧品による接触皮膚炎の1例

岩橋 ゆりこ , 笠 ゆりな , 濱田 裕子 , 殿岡 永里加 , 宇野 裕和 , 中田 土起丈 臨床皮膚科 = Japanese journal of clinical dermatology 73(6), 387-390, 2019-05 医中誌Web

β-アルブチンによる接触皮膚炎の1例 (特集 湿疹・皮膚炎)大原 香子 皮膚科の臨床 58(13), 1933-1937, 2016-12

アルブチン含有化粧品とハイドロキノン軟膏によるPigmented Contact Dermatitisの1例 (特集 湿疹・皮膚炎)加藤 峰幸 , 牛込 悠紀子 , 塩原 哲夫 皮膚科の臨床 57(13), 2013-2017, 2015-12 医中誌Web

各種美白成分のモルモットを用いた白色化誘発作用の比較山田 恭史 , 浅野 育子 , 豊吉 亨 , 太田 隆雄 日本毒性学会学術年会 42.1(0), P-134, 2015 J-STAGE

症例報告 アルブチンによる接触皮膚炎の1例

仲宗根 尚子 , 中村 郁心 , 山田 智史 [他] 臨床皮膚科 = Japanese journal of clinical dermatology 68(7), 484-488, 2014-06 医中誌Web

α-アルブチンの開発 : 工業スケールでの製造および美白化粧品原料への応用

Sugimoto Kazuhisa , Nishimura Takahisa , Kuriki Takashi Trends in glycoscience and glycotechnology 19(110), 235-246, 2007-11-02 J-STAGE  医中誌Web  参考文献38件

ハイドロキノン配糖体のチロシナーゼ阻害効果およびα-アルブチンのメラニン生成抑制効果 (特集/最近の美白研究を探る)

杉本 和久 , 西村 隆久 , Moser Heidi フレグランスジャーナル 33(5), 60-66, 2005-05


中島 伸佳 コスメトロジー研究報告 12, 45-51, 2004

特集 くすみとシミに「αアルブチン」 最強の美白コスメ

藤井 省吾 , 清水 すま子 , 岩田 るみ [他] 日経ヘルス 6(11), 70-80, 2003-11


杉本 和久 Journal of applied glycoscience 50(1), 109-110, 2003-01-20

666 α-アルブチンのメラニン生成抑制効果-第2報-(酵素・酵素工学・タンパク質工学,一般講演)

杉本 和久 , 野村 耕司 , 西村 隆久 , 杉本 憲治 , 栗本 隆 日本生物工学会大会講演要旨集 平成14年度, 111, 2002 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション



日本生物工学会2002年度大会講演要旨集 111, 2002被引用文献2件


西原 修美 Environmental dermatology : the official journal of the Japanese Society for Contact Dermatitis 8, 30, 2001-11-01


菅原 弘二 , 小林 裕美 , 寺前 佳洋子 , 石井 正光 , 加藤 敦子

Environmental dermatology : the official journal of the Japanese Society for Contact Dermatitis 8, 29, 2001-11-01

アルブチンの開発と応用 (特集 美白剤の開発と製品展開)

前田 憲寿 ファインケミカル 28(5), 36-41, 1999-03-15

アルブチンのメラニン生成抑制機序と美白効果 (メラニン色素の制御と美白剤の開発) -- (第2章 最近の美白剤の研究開発の動向)

前田 憲寿 , 福田 実 フレグランスジャーナル臨時増刊 (14), 127-132, 1995


須貝 哲郎 皮膚 34(4), 522-529, 1992 J-STAGE

アルブチンのメラニン生成抑制作用 B16メラノーマ培養細胞による生化学的研究

秋保 暁 , 鈴木 裕美子 , 浅原 智久 , 藤沼 好守 , 福田 實

日本皮膚科学会雑誌 101(6), 609, 1991J-STAGE


藤沼 好守 化学と工業 43(9), p1492-1494, 1990-09


Quantitative Determination of alpha-Arbutin, beta-Arbutin, Kojic Acid, Nicotinamide, Hydroquinone, Resorcinol, 4-Methoxyphenol, 4-Ethoxyphenol, and Ascorbic Acid from Skin Whitening Products by HPLC-UV.

Wang YH, Avonto C, Avula B, Wang M, Rua D, Khan IA.J AOAC Int. 2015 Jan-Feb;98(1):5-12. doi: 10.5740/jaoacint.14-123.PMID: 25857872

Arbutin protects HK-2 cells against high glucose-induced apoptosis and autophagy by up-regulating microRNA-27a.

Lv L, Zhang J, Tian F, Li X, Li D, Yu X.Artif Cells Nanomed Biotechnol. 2019 Dec;47(1):2940-2947. doi: 10.1080/21691401.2019.1640231.PMID: 31319730

Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of a Topical Formulation Containing Epidermal Growth Factor, Tranexamic Acid, Vitamin C, Arbutin, Niacinamide and Other Ingredients as Hydroquinone 4% Alternatives to Improve Hyperpigmentation: A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Split Face Study.

Kalasho BD, Minokadeh A, Zhang-Nunes S, Zoumalan RA, Shemirani NL, Waldman AR, Pletzer V, Zoumalan CI.J Cosmet Sci. 2020 Sep/Oct;71(5):263-290.PMID: 33022197 Clinical Trial.

Fabrication, characterization and comparison of alpha-arbutin loaded dissolving and hydrogel forming microneedles.

Aung NN, Ngawhirunpat T, Rojanarata T, Patrojanasophon P, Pamornpathomkul B, Opanasopit P.Int J Pharm. 2020 Aug 30;586:119508. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2020.119508. Epub 2020 Jun 6.PMID: 32512227

Chemical and Biocatalytic Routes to Arbutin ().

Zhou H, Zhao J, Li A, Reetz MT.Molecules. 2019 Sep 11;24(18):3303. doi: 10.3390/molecules24183303.PMID: 31514332 Free PMC article. Review.

Analysis of salicylic acid, arbutin and corticosteroids in skin whitening creams available in Pakistan using chromatographic techniques.

Shams A, Khan IU, Iqbal H.Int J Cosmet Sci. 2016 Aug;38(4):421-8. doi: 10.1111/ics.12310. Epub 2016 Apr 5.PMID: 26855207

Arbutin as a Skin Depigmenting Agent with Antimelanogenic and Antioxidant Properties.

Boo YC.Antioxidants (Basel). 2021 Jul 15;10(7):1129. doi: 10.3390/antiox10071129.PMID: 34356362 Free PMC article. Review.

Hydrolysis of arbutin to hydroquinone by human skin bacteria and its effect on antioxidant activity.

Bang SH, Han SJ, Kim DH.J Cosmet Dermatol. 2008 Sep;7(3):189-93. doi: 10.1111/j.1473-2165.2008.00387.x.PMID: 18789053

Recent progress on biological production of alpha-arbutin.

Zhu X, Tian Y, Zhang W, Zhang T, Guang C, Mu W.Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2018 Oct;102(19):8145-8152. doi: 10.1007/s00253-018-9241-9. Epub 2018 Jul 21.PMID: 30032433 Review.

Optimization of amylomaltase for the synthesis of alpha-arbutin derivatives as tyrosinase inhibitors.

Rudeekulthamrong P, Kaulpiboon J.Carbohydr Res. 2020 Aug;494:108078. doi: 10.1016/j.carres.2020.108078. Epub 2020 Jun 21.PMID: 32622087

Preparation and release properties of arbutin imprinted inulin/polyvinyl alcohol biomaterials.

Kim HS, Kim KJ, Lee MW, Lee SY, Yun YH, Shim WG, Yoon SD.Int J Biol Macromol. 2020 Oct 15;161:763-770. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.06.105. Epub 2020 Jun 15.PMID: 32553978

Polymeric nanoparticles for topical delivery of alpha and beta arbutin: preparation and characterization.

Ayumi NS, Sahudin S, Hussain Z, Hussain M, Samah NHA.Drug Deliv Transl Res. 2019 Apr;9(2):482-496. doi: 10.1007/s13346-018-0508-6.PMID: 29569027

4-n-Butylresorcinol-Based Linear and Graft Polymethacrylates for Arbutin and Vitamins Delivery by Micellar Systems.

Odrobińska J, Mielańczyk Ł, Neugebauer D.Polymers (Basel). 2020 Feb 5;12(2):330. doi: 10.3390/polym12020330.PMID: 32033296 Free PMC article.

An eco-friendly and green formulation in lipid nanotechnology for delivery of a hydrophilic agent to the skin in the treatment and management of hyperpigmentation complaints: Arbutin niosome (Arbusome).

Radmard A, Saeedi M, Morteza-Semnani K, Hashemi SMH, Nokhodchi A.Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 2021 May;201:111616. doi: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2021.111616. Epub 2021 Feb 8.PMID: 33618082

Decrease of intracellular ROS by arbutin is associated with apoptosis induction and downregulation of IL-1beta and TNF-alpha in LNCaP; prostate cancer.

Safari H, Zabihi E, Pouramir M, Morakabati P, Abedian Z, Karkhah A, Nouri HR.J Food Biochem. 2020 Sep;44(9):e13360. doi: 10.1111/jfbc.13360. Epub 2020 Jul 2.PMID: 32614483

Molecular modeling and phenoloxidase inhibitory activity of arbutin and arbutin undecylenic acid ester.

Masyita A, Salim E, Asri RM, Nainu F, Hori A, Yulianty R, Hatta M, Rifai Y, Kuraishi T.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2021 Apr 2;547:75-81. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2021.02.006. Epub 2021 Feb 17.PMID: 33610043

Extraction of arbutin and its comparative content in branches, leaves, stems, and fruits of Japanese pear Pyrus pyrifolia cv. Kousui.

Sasaki C, Ichitani M, Kunimoto KK, Asada C, Nakamura Y.Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2014;78(5):874-7. doi: 10.1080/09168451.2014.893185. Epub 2014 May 9.PMID: 25035992

Arbutin encapsulated micelles improved transdermal delivery and suppression of cellular melanin production.

Liang K, Xu K, Bessarab D, Obaje J, Xu C.BMC Res Notes. 2016 Apr 30;9:254. doi: 10.1186/s13104-016-2047-x.PMID: 27129306 Free PMC article.

Comparative studies on the chemical and enzymatic stability of alpha- and beta-arbutin.

Avonto C, Wang YH, Avula B, Wang M, Rua D, Khan IA.Int J Cosmet Sci. 2016 Apr;38(2):187-93. doi: 10.1111/ics.12275. Epub 2015 Oct 7.PMID: 26352830

Alpha-Arbutin Promotes Wound Healing by Lowering ROS and Upregulating Insulin/IGF-1 Pathway in Human Dermal Fibroblast.

Polouliakh N, Ludwig V, Meguro A, Kawagoe T, Heeb O, Mizuki N.Front Physiol. 2020 Nov 4;11:586843. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2020.586843. eCollection 2020.PMID: 33250779 Free PMC article.

Arbutin promotes MC3T3-E1 mouse osteoblast precursor cell proliferation and differentiation via the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway.

Man X, Yang L, Liu S, Yang L, Li M, Fu Q.Mol Med Rep. 2019 Jun;19(6):4637-4644. doi: 10.3892/mmr.2019.10125. Epub 2019 Apr 4.PMID: 30957189 Free PMC article.

Inhibitory effects of alpha-arbutin on melanin synthesis in cultured human melanoma cells and a three-dimensional human skin model.

Sugimoto K, Nishimura T, Nomura K, Sugimoto K, Kuriki T.Biol Pharm Bull. 2004 Apr;27(4):510-4. doi: 10.1248/bpb.27.510.PMID: 15056856

HPMC/PVP Dissolving Microneedles: a Promising Delivery Platform to Promote Trans-Epidermal Delivery of Alpha-Arbutin for Skin Lightening.

Aung NN, Ngawhirunpat T, Rojanarata T, Patrojanasophon P, Opanasopit P, Pamornpathomkul B.AAPS PharmSciTech. 2019 Dec 17;21(1):25. doi: 10.1208/s12249-019-1599-1.PMID: 31848807

Investigation of the pro-apoptotic effects of arbutin and its acetylated derivative on murine melanoma cells.

Jiang L, Wang D, Zhang Y, Li J, Wu Z, Wang Z, Wang D.Int J Mol Med. 2018 Feb;41(2):1048-1054. doi: 10.3892/ijmm.2017.3256. Epub 2017 Nov 16.PMID: 29207077

Preparation and characterization of cosmeceutical liposomes loaded with avobenzone and arbutin.

Liu JJ, Nazzal S, Chang TS, Tsai T.J Cosmet Sci. 2013 Jan-Feb;64(1):9-17.PMID: 23449127

High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of arbutin in skin-whitening creams and medicinal plant extracts.

Thongchai W, Liawruangrath B, Liawruangrath S.J Cosmet Sci. 2007 Jan-Feb;58(1):35-44.PMID: 17342266

Allergic contact dermatitis caused by arbutin and dipotassium glycyrrhizate in skin-lightening products.

Oiso N, Tatebayashi M, Hoshiyama Y, Kawada A.Contact Dermatitis. 2017 Jul;77(1):51-53. doi: 10.1111/cod.12739.PMID: 28612442 No abstract available.

Effectiveness and safety of a product containing diosmin, coumarin, and arbutin (Linfadren) in addition to complex decongestive therapy on management of breast cancer-related lymphedema.

Cacchio A, Prencipe R, Bertone M, De Benedictis L, Taglieri L, D'Elia E, Centoletti C, Di Carlo G.Support Care Cancer. 2019 Apr;27(4):1471-1480. doi: 10.1007/s00520-018-4514-5. Epub 2018 Oct 20.PMID: 30343411 Clinical Trial.

Tyrosinase Inhibitory Activity of Soybeans Fermented with Bacillus subtilis Capable of Producing a Phenolic Glycoside, Arbutin.

Jin YH, Jeon AR, Mah JH.Antioxidants (Basel). 2020 Dec 18;9(12):1301. doi: 10.3390/antiox9121301.PMID: 33353058 Free PMC article.

Penetration depth, concentration and efficiency of transdermal alpha-arbutin delivery after ultrasound treatment with albumin-shelled microbubbles in mice.

Liao AH, Ma WC, Wang CH, Yeh MK.Drug Deliv. 2016 Sep;23(7):2173-2182. doi: 10.3109/10717544.2014.951102. Epub 2014 Aug 22.PMID: 25148541

A comprehensive review of the therapeutic potential of alpha-arbutin.

Saeedi M, Khezri K, Seyed Zakaryaei A, Mohammadamini H.Phytother Res. 2021 Aug;35(8):4136-4154. doi: 10.1002/ptr.7076. Epub 2021 Mar 16.PMID: 33724594 Review.

The anticarcinogen activity of beta-arbutin on MCF-7 cells: Stimulation of apoptosis through estrogen receptor-alpha signal pathway, inflammation and genotoxicity.

Hazman Ö, Sarıova A, Bozkurt MF, Ciğerci İH.Mol Cell Biochem. 2021 Jan;476(1):349-360. doi: 10.1007/s11010-020-03911-7. Epub 2020 Sep 22.PMID: 32964394

High-level De novo biosynthesis of arbutin in engineered Escherichia coli.

Shen X, Wang J, Wang J, Chen Z, Yuan Q, Yan Y.Metab Eng. 2017 Jul;42:52-58. doi: 10.1016/j.ymben.2017.06.001. Epub 2017 Jun 2.PMID: 28583673

Batch-feeding whole-cell catalytic synthesis of alpha-arbutin by amylosucrase from Xanthomonas campestris.

Zhu L, Jiang D, Zhou Y, Lu Y, Fan Y, Chen X.J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol. 2019 Jun;46(6):759-767. doi: 10.1007/s10295-019-02143-z. Epub 2019 Mar 1.PMID: 30820723

Inhibitory effects of arbutin-beta-glycosides synthesized from enzymatic transglycosylation for melanogenesis.

Jun SY, Park KM, Choi KW, Jang MK, Kang HY, Lee SH, Park KH, Cha J.Biotechnol Lett. 2008 Apr;30(4):743-8. doi: 10.1007/s10529-007-9605-1. Epub 2007 Nov 27.PMID: 18040603

Analysis of the effects of hydroquinone and arbutin on the differentiation of melanocytes.

Inoue Y, Hasegawa S, Yamada T, Date Y, Mizutani H, Nakata S, Matsunaga K, Akamatsu H.Biol Pharm Bull. 2013;36(11):1722-30. doi: 10.1248/bpb.b13-00206.PMID: 24189417 Free article.

Capsaicin reverses the inhibitory effect of licochalcone A/beta-Arbutin on tyrosinase expression in b16 mouse melanoma cells.

Hong JH, Chen HJ, Xiang SJ, Cao SW, An BC, Ruan SF, Zhang B, Weng LD, Zhu HX, Liu Q.Pharmacogn Mag. 2018 Jan-Mar;14(53):110-115. doi: 10.4103/pm.pm_103_17. Epub 2018 Feb 20.PMID: 29576710 Free PMC article.

Validation of a quantitative assay of arbutin using gas chromatography in Origanum majorana and Arctostaphylos uva-ursi extracts.

Lamien-Meda A, Lukas B, Schmiderer C, Franz C, Novak J.Phytochem Anal. 2009 Sep-Oct;20(5):416-20. doi: 10.1002/pca.1142.PMID: 19609883

Formulation of liposome for topical delivery of arbutin.

Wen AH, Choi MK, Kim DD.Arch Pharm Res. 2006 Dec;29(12):1187-92. doi: 10.1007/BF02969312.PMID: 17225471

Reassessment of antioxidant activity of arbutin: multifaceted evaluation using five antioxidant assay systems.

Takebayashi J, Ishii R, Chen J, Matsumoto T, Ishimi Y, Tai A.Free Radic Res. 2010 Apr;44(4):473-8. doi: 10.3109/10715761003610760.PMID: 20166881

Antityrosinase Mechanism and Antimelanogenic Effect of Arbutin Esters Synthesis Catalyzed by Whole-Cell Biocatalyst.

Xu H, Li X, Xin X, Mo L, Zou Y, Zhao G, Yu Y, Chen K.J Agric Food Chem. 2021 Apr 14;69(14):4243-4252. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.0c07379. Epub 2021 Apr 6.PMID: 33821640

Experimental study on cross-reactivity of alpha-arbutin toward p-phenylenediamine and hydroquinone in guinea pigs.

To-o K, Nomura K, Sugimoto K, Nishimura T, Kuriki T, Itoh M.J Dermatol. 2010 May;37(5):455-62. doi: 10.1111/j.1346-8138.2010.00860.x.PMID: 20536651

Arbutin production via biotransformation of hydroquinone in in vitro cultures of Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliott.

Kwiecień I, Szopa A, Madej K, Ekiert H.Acta Biochim Pol. 2013;60(4):865-70.PMID: 24432348

Biotransformation of hydroquinone into alpha-arbutin by transglucosylation activity of a metagenomic amylosucrase.

Agarwal N, Rai AK, Singh SP.3 Biotech. 2021 Aug;11(8):362. doi: 10.1007/s13205-021-02909-2. Epub 2021 Jul 3.PMID: 34295607

Grevillosides J-Q, arbutin derivatives from the leaves of Grevillea robusta and their melanogenesis inhibitory activity.

Yamashita-Higuchi Y, Sugimoto S, Matsunami K, Otsuka H, Nakai T.Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). 2014;62(4):364-72. doi: 10.1248/cpb.c13-00962.PMID: 24695346

Treatment of refractory melasma with the MedLite C6 Q-switched Nd:YAG laser and alpha arbutin: a prospective study.

Polnikorn N.J Cosmet Laser Ther. 2010 Jun;12(3):126-31. doi: 10.3109/14764172.2010.487910.PMID: 20482238 Clinical Trial.

Alleviation effect of arbutin on oxidative stress generated through tyrosinase reaction with L-tyrosine and L-DOPA.

Tada M, Kohno M, Niwano Y.BMC Biochem. 2014 Oct 9;15:23. doi: 10.1186/1471-2091-15-23.PMID: 25297374 Free PMC article.

High-yield enzymatic bioconversion of hydroquinone to alpha-arbutin, a powerful skin lightening agent, by amylosucrase.

Seo DH, Jung JH, Ha SJ, Cho HK, Jung DH, Kim TJ, Baek NI, Yoo SH, Park CS.Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2012 Jun;94(5):1189-97. doi: 10.1007/s00253-012-3905-7.PMID: 22314516

Optimization of whole-cell biotransformation for scale-up production of alpha-arbutin from hydroquinone by the use of recombinant Escherichia coli.

Zhu L, Xu M, Lu C, Chen L, Xu A, Fang J, Chen H, Lu Y, Fan Y, Chen X.AMB Express. 2019 Jun 28;9(1):94. doi: 10.1186/s13568-019-0820-7.PMID: 31254161 Free PMC article.

A double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized trial of Serratulae quinquefoliae folium, a new source of beta-arbutin, in selected skin hyperpigmentations.

Morag M, Nawrot J, Siatkowski I, Adamski Z, Fedorowicz T, Dawid-Pac R, Urbanska M, Nowak G.J Cosmet Dermatol. 2015 Sep;14(3):185-90. doi: 10.1111/jocd.12147. Epub 2015 Jun 28.PMID: 26119285 Clinical Trial.

Toxicogenomics of A375 human malignant melanoma cells treated with arbutin.

Cheng SL, Liu RH, Sheu JN, Chen ST, Sinchaikul S, Tsay GJ.J Biomed Sci. 2007 Jan;14(1):87-105. doi: 10.1007/s11373-006-9130-6. Epub 2006 Nov 11.PMID: 17103032

Formulation and In-Vitro Characterisation of Cross-Linked Amphiphilic Guar Gum Nanocarriers for Percutaneous Delivery of Arbutin.

Bostanudin MF, Salam A, Mahmood A, Arafat M, Kaharudin AN, Sahudin S, Mat Lazim A, Azfaralariff A.J Pharm Sci. 2021 Aug 14:S0022-3549(21)00415-9. doi: 10.1016/j.xphs.2021.08.014. Online ahead of print.PMID: 34403653

Inhibitory effects of arbutin on melanin biosynthesis of alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone-induced hyperpigmentation in cultured brownish guinea pig skin tissues.

Lim YJ, Lee EH, Kang TH, Ha SK, Oh MS, Kim SM, Yoon TJ, Kang C, Park JH, Kim SY.Arch Pharm Res. 2009 Mar;32(3):367-73. doi: 10.1007/s12272-009-1309-8. Epub 2009 Apr 23.PMID: 19387580

A novel cream formulation containing nicotinamide 4%, arbutin 3%, bisabolol 1%, and retinaldehyde 0.05% for treatment of epidermal melasma.

Crocco EI, Veasey JV, Boin MF, Lellis RF, Alves RO.Cutis. 2015 Nov;96(5):337-42.PMID: 26682557 Clinical Trial.

Contact dermatitis caused by arbutin contained in skin-whitening cosmetics.

Numata T, Tobita R, Tsuboi R, Okubo Y.Contact Dermatitis. 2016 Sep;75(3):187-8. doi: 10.1111/cod.12594.PMID: 27480516 No abstract available.

A case of allergic contact dermatitis caused by arbutin.

Matsuo Y, Ito A, Masui Y, Ito M.Contact Dermatitis. 2015 Jun;72(6):404-5. doi: 10.1111/cod.12375. Epub 2015 Mar 6.PMID: 25752782 No abstract available.

[The effect of dry standardized plant extracts on the process of arbutin release from topical preparations produced on Carbopol base].

Piechota-Urbańska M.Polim Med. 2010;40(1):65-71.PMID: 20446531 Polish.