化粧品・健康食品業界専門メディア Beaker media「無料企業登録キャンペーン」実施中



成分番号(JP number): 551146

本品は、次の化学式で表される塩基性塩化アルミニウム錯体である。Dialuminium chloride pentahydroxide
日本の規制情報(Japanese regulation information)
中国の規制情報(Chinese regulation information)
【已使用化妆品原料目录(2021年版)】Maximum Historical Usage in Rinse-off Cosmetics(%): (none), Maximum Historical Usage in Leave-on Cosmetics(%): 40
EC No.







まず、収れん作用に関しては、この成分は陽イオン型収れん剤で汗腺の入り口にあるタンパク質を凝固・収縮させることで強力な収れん作用を示します(2, 3)。この作用を利用し、アストリンゼントローション、アフターシェービングローションなどに使われています。







まず皮膚刺激性および皮膚感作性に関しては、British Industrial Biological Research Associationの試験データより(7)、濃度25%以下でのアルミニウムの皮膚内への浸透と皮膚刺激はなしと報告があり、医薬部外品として配合上限が濃度2%に決められている点や、塩化Alと比較してpHが高く、腋窩皮膚に対しての刺激性もとても少ないと報告されている点などから、濃度2%以下では一般的に皮膚刺激性はほとんどないと考えられます。





しかし、2016年に公開されたNCI(National Cancer Institute:アメリカ国立がん研究所)の制汗剤及びデオドラント剤と乳がんに関するレビューによると、現時点での結果としてはアルミニウムを含む脇用の制汗剤また化粧品の使用によって乳がんのリスクを高めることを示す決定的な証拠がないと結論付けています(9)。


(1) “Pubchem”(2020)「Aluminum chlorohydrate」, https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Aluminum-chlorohydrate

(2) 田村 健夫, 他(1990)「陽イオン型収れん剤」香粧品科学 理論と実際 第4版,247-248

(3) 鈴木 一成(2012)「塩化ヒドロキシアルミニウム」化粧品成分用語事典2012,423-424.

(4) T. Govett, et al(1947)「Aluminum Chlorohydrate, New. Antiperspirant Ingredient」The American. Perfumer and Essential Oil Review(49),365-368.

(5-1,2) Karl Laden(1995)「アルミニウムクロルハイドレート」制汗剤とデオドラント,96-97.

(6) 資生ケミカル株式会社(2010)「染毛方法」特開2010-248103.

(7) A.B.G Lansdown(1973)「Production of epidermal damage in mammalian skins by some simple aluminium compounds」British Journal of Dermatology(89)(1),67-76.

(8) P.D. Darbre(2005)「Aluminium, antiperspirants and breast cancer」Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry(99)(9),1912-1919.

(9) National Cancer Institute(2016)「Antiperspirants/Deodorants and Breast Cancer」, https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/myths/antiperspirants-fact-sheet


  • 収れん作用
  • 制汗
  • 効果・作用についての補足






(2)P.D. Darbre(2005)「Aluminium, antiperspirants and breast cancer」Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry(99)(9),1912-1919.

(3)National Cancer Institute(2016)「Antiperspirants/Deodorants and Breast Cancer」, https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/myths/antiperspirants-fact-sheet 2022年1月30日アクセス

(4)“All About 乳がん.Info”(-)「乳がん Q&A」, http://nyugan.info/allabout/qa/qa1_worry/qa1_10.html 2020年5月21日アクセス.



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Aluminum Chlorohydrate cosmetic 22件

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Potential interference of aluminum chlorohydrate with estrogen receptor signaling in breast cancer cells.

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Clinical Effectiveness of Moisturizers in Atopic Dermatitis and Related Disorders: A Systematic Review.

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In vitro sorption of aluminum complex to guinea pig stratum corneum.

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If exposure to aluminium in antiperspirants presents health risks, its content should be reduced.

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In vitro study of percutaneous absorption of aluminum from antiperspirants through human skin in the Franz diffusion cell.

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Assessment of Dermal Absorption of Aluminum from a Representative Antiperspirant Formulation Using a (26) Al Microtracer Approach.

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Potentiometric/turbidometric titration of antiperspirant actives.

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Effects of aluminium chloride and aluminium chlorohydrate on DNA repair in MCF10A immortalised non-transformed human breast epithelial cells.

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An analytical procedure for the determination of aluminum used in antiperspirants on human skin in Franz diffusion cell.

Guillard O, Fauconneau B, Favreau F, Marrauld A, Pineau A.Toxicol Mech Methods. 2012 Apr;22(3):205-10. doi: 10.3109/15376516.2011.610386. Epub 2011 Sep 30.PMID: 21962178

New oil-gelling agents for cosmetics: formation mechanism of oil gels.

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Optimal aluminum/zirconium: Protein interactions for predicting antiperspirant efficacy using zeta potential measurements.

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Effective axillary malodour reduction by polyquaternium-16-containing deodorants.

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Quantitative ion determination in eccrine sweat gland cells correlates to sweat reduction of antiperspirant actives.

Welzel J, Grüdl S, Welss T, Claas M, Sättler A, Förster T, Banowski B.Int J Cosmet Sci. 2021 Apr;43(2):181-190. doi: 10.1111/ics.12679. Epub 2021 Jan 1.PMID: 33259130

Prevention of palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia with an antiperspirant in breast cancer patients treated with pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (SAKK 92/08).

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Qualification of a precise and easy-to-handle sweat casting imprint method for the prediction and quantification of anti-perspirant efficacy.

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A preliminary study of the dermal absorption of aluminium from antiperspirants using aluminium-26.

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Effect of aluminium on migratory and invasive properties of MCF-7 human breast cancer cells in culture.

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In vivo single human sweat gland activity monitoring using coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering and two-photon excited autofluorescence microscopy.

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The efficacy of a protective cream in a real-world apprentice hairdresser environment.

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Influence of climatic conditions on antiperspirant efficacy determined at different test areas.

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Interventions for preventing occupational irritant hand dermatitis.

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Managing Occupational Irritant Contact Dermatitis Using a Two-Step Skincare Regimen Designed to Prevent Skin Damage and Support Skin Recovery.

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Real time observation of the interaction between aluminium salts and sweat under microfluidic conditions.

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Circadian rhythms in axillary skin surface pH.

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Wrinkling Measurement of the Mechanical Properties of Drying Salt Thin Films.

Ferretti GL, Nania M, Matar OK, Cabral JT.Langmuir. 2016 Mar 8;32(9):2199-207. doi: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.5b04488. Epub 2016 Feb 24.PMID: 26907458 Free article.